A continent filled with cultural complexity
Being able to interact with and participate in village activities or just observe from the outside various ceremonies, dances or activities is a very important component or even focus for tourists visiting Africa. Building your safari with this in mind is all part of the planning process which we shall discuss with you.

Get involved in community projects
We love to get involved with and have our guests get involved with these, however we like to take a much more targeted approach to this rather than just a donation to a particular organization that helps out various projects, of which there are many and some of the camps that we book for you have this built into the price that you pay as part of their community outreach in their area of operation.
So if you would like to get involved or support directly a project we will discuss this with you. We like to speak to the actual recipients of this and find out exactly what is needed on the ground and not what guests think they should bring. We often get guests asking if they can bring footballs or pens for instance to donate. This is great, but you may find the school needs light bulbs or powder paints and brushes as they have had so many pens donated in the past that they are not immediately needed. We also feel that where possible we want to buy these donations locally as that adds another positive dimension to the donation in supporting local businesses. If you want this to be a part of your safari holiday let us know and we can work together to decide the most effective plan.